Sunday, January 7, 2024

HK/MacAu DaY 8 - 8 DeC 23

Day 8 and also the last day of our year end trip! 

Back to the main restaurant for bf

中西bakes. Lol

Also tried out salty soya beancurd. Haha. Really v salty. Lol

After that, went out for haircut! Almost the same price as SG. 

And some last last min shopping! 

Then back to lounge to snack

And hubb and i went for a massage at the hotel, while the boys stayed with mil and fil. 

Checking out liao 

@ airport

Pigging out again... at airport lounge..


Ok, all in not too bad a trip, but not v fantastic too. Maybe too many things to take care of liao, so din enjoy v much. 

And... Pple go Hk and macau 就是因为便宜,可以买东西,吃东西,买东西,吃东西.

But our this trip.... Dont know why became super expensive and always kenna dock. 


Next time dont listen to hubb's de 好介绍le.


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