Sunday, June 18, 2023

BanGkoK DaY 5 - 14 JuNe 23

Day 5 of the bkk trip! 

This morning ate at the mainstream restaurant liao

Variety is not bad too, though not as wide as Baiyoke's

Coolest is this rotating ice cream display! Many flavours to choose from. Yummx 

The hotel's pool which we did not swim in. Hubb's plan was to make this a super relax trip, so his plan was to have a few free days to just swim and relax in the hotel. Unfortunately, i packed those free days with activities! So no time to swim in the pool liao. Lollll

The main attraction for the day was Pororo Water Park! 

It is located on the top floor of a shopping mall (Central Plaza) Cool! 

Very much the same as our Adventure Cove really. BUT, the q is really short. Or shld i say, there is no q at all? So we managed to get on all the big slides a number of times. Also got children playground, lazy pool etc. 

And the entrance fee is much lower too, below S$10 per pax. But need to pay to rent the floats and also the small peddling boats for the children if they want to play. But not expensive de. All in sure still cheaper than Adventure Cove. 

Wonder how they survive and maintain this place leh. Cuz really not many people... Or maybe cuz it was a weekday? Mm.

And then, hiccup again! This rayous bichak his swimwear!!! LL got to buy a new one at the park. But they only sell the pants for boys. So he went half naked for the rest of the play. Kekekek

And then.. Bbt again! Errr. Their bbt.. Generally cmi... 

And they tried on a 9D ride in the mall. Dont know where the 9Ds come from though. Haha

Then back to our hotel... Still managed to catch some food at the lounge b4 the dinner session ends at 7pm. Yay! 

After dinner, we went Asiatique. This was one of the unplanned destination, recommended by the driver. He said its a night market with many stuff to buy and see.

Can take a ferry from the pier nearby our hotel, to beat the traffic on road. 


Once reached, i know this is not the kind of night market im expecting liao. I thought it is that kind of pasar malam night market, but it turned out to be the Clarke Quay kind of night market. Yea, the atas indoor kind. 

Dinner here. Yea dinner again. Fat die me. 


To be fair, is many things to see and buy la, including one stall selling all the fried insects and creepy crawlies. Gurp. 

But the things here not that cheap leh i feel. 

The boys with a ice cream inside a marshmellow

And.... We took the last ferry back to the pier, which is at 11.20pm if i remb correctly. 

Know what? 

No people liao!! The whole ferry only 4 of us as passengers ! Ha

Yea, this Asiatique... Not really my kind of night market. Will probably give it a miss if i know of other better markets.


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