Thursday, April 6, 2023

 Did a kaypoh ji thing ytd! 

Yea, i reported on this truck that was parked at the roundabout and in the wrong direction, blocking the way, and causing hassle to others who want to use the roundabout.

It was raining and the roundabout was one of the place for sheltered drop off and this kuku truck was parked there. 

Other drivers had to enter the roundabout and reverse out. Imagine it was me driving and i honestly do not know how to reverse out of a roundabout! Can stuck there liao!! 

So inconsiderate right! 

So i immediately took pics and reported. 

But then again........ I only saw the 2nd part. How abt the 1st part? 

Maybe that driver also wanted to send someone off? Maybe he had to bring his child to the childcare leh? Or maybe he had to accompany his elderly mother home leh?

So no choice but to park there for awhile hoping no one horns and he can get away unscathed?


我所谓的正义凛然, 会不会不经意的害了别人呢?


Well, regardless lor. He being so selfish, 就是错。the reason behind it, he can slowly go and appeal and explain lor.. 



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