Sunday, October 9, 2022


 Abit hard to cook nowadays.

In the past, can buy the chicken meat and store in the freezer. When got mood to cook, just take out.

But now, the chicken meat are mostly frozen thawed and have to be consumed within 3days, cannot refreeze. So I don't buy and store anymore.

And then when got the mood to cook liao, no meat!! Unless purposely go out and buy meat. But if I already bother to go out liao, then I might as well eat out right. 

So very difficult lor....


Just like this meal, is also pork meat and salmon that I bought sometime back and froze. 

But pork meat more troublesome to cook, have to stir fry. Unlike chicken meat, I can just steam, very hassle free. 

OK anyways, 能煮一餐是一餐 吧。。。

Ya, trying my best to not let the boys always eat outside food. 


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