Sunday, February 27, 2022

Farewell Jas!

It's farewell for jasmine!!! 

Yup, she's gonna be posted to London for 2yrs for work.... So had this little farewell party for her before she leaves. 


And... Believe it or not.. Lao yusheng!!!!! 


Got an extra set from cny, so took this opportunity to finish it off before it expires... Hahahahhhaha

Also good, cuz this yr cny din managed to lao w this grp of friend. So kind of made it up. Haha

And.... The cake from Jeanette Aw's bakery shop! Credit to Anthony for buying for us 

Must pre order one wor. And very very limited quota! 

But its really quite nice I must say. 


And jas and I went a lonnng way back. 

Believe it or not, we are primary school mates!!! 


She's probably the only pri sch mate whom I still keep in contact w. 

Same pri sch, same sec sch, then same uni where we met again! 


So, all the v v best to her and everything 顺顺利利for her yeah.

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