Monday, December 27, 2021

BoXinG DaY - High TeA @ FullerToN BaY HoTeL, ThE LanDiNg PoinT

Boxing day!!! 

Yay! Our tai tai high tea finally materialised!!! 

Yes, we have been wanting to go for high tea for the longest time.... The initial planned venue was goodwood Park. We planned 2x, but both were not successful, and the meet up got cancelled in the end. So we concluded goodwood Park is quite jinxed, and decided to change a location. 

And so, we were at the landing point - at Fullerton Bay Hotel =) 

3 tiered high tea... 

The bottom tier is all the sweet desserts. This tier cannot be refilled. 

The 2nd tier is all the savoury stuff. Can be refilled. 

And the top tier is the scones... Also can be refilled. 

Very happy, finally met up with the gals since we last met in May.... 

And our annual gifts exchange!! 

Last year was at Jo's hse, also boxing day. How time flies!! 

Lotsa presents! Kekekeke

Yup, the high tea wasn't cheap at all. All in, close to $80 per pax. If u ask me, its super not worth it lor, $80 for the mini cakes (non refillable somemore) and sandwiches.... 

But I guess its really the ambience and the feel ba.

Taste wise, also so so only. But the fruit cake and scone are quite nice I must say. The rest are what they should taste like lor. 

Anyway, most important is the accompaniment la. 

Happy to have the chance to sit down for few hours and just chat. 

Usually we will meet for wkdays dinner which is quite rush, cuz we meet 7plus and got to 散 at 9plus liao. Unlike in the past, no children, we can happily chat till wee hours...... 

Ha.. 往事不要再提。。。gone were the days.. 

And the boys.. Continue to open presents on boxing day.. Very happy... 

Yup, so that's abt all for Xmas. 

Missed the bnf Xmas xchange due to the staycay. Nvm, shall catch up during cny. 

Yup, next up, NY 2022!!!

And of cuz cny which will be very early next yr! 


Looking forward. 

And wondering if the restriction will be loosen to 8pax..... Though I feel unlikely it will be..... 

Shall see how! 

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