Friday, February 26, 2021


Haha, took leave today to celeb 元宵!


No la, took leave today to do our semi-annual dental check up.. Appmt was fixed 6mths back, also din realised it's 元宵。

Went catch a movie after dental.. Watched Andy lau's endgame. Honestly, I think casting is really important. If it's not for Andy lau, I wouldn't watch this show at all. Ha. 

Quite some time since we last caught a movie. 

Excited! Look at my super huge popcorn! 

Then went for facial... Before picking the boys and dined at sakae sushi. 

Wanted to do a last lohei, who knows... Yusheng was sold out at that outlet! 

Aiii 没缘分!!

So this yr, only did 5 yusheng... Almost half of what I usually do.. Ahh

Yup. So that marks the end of cny liao! 


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