Last day of the month!
A visit to river safari....
And the zoo!
Super hot and tiring day xia
Yup. So that marks the end of cny liao! |
Wah sian.
B really kenna cut big time..
And no promo and increment.
Though on a brighter side, should just 偷笑that there is still B payout and a job to hold onto.
But still..
Now I guess I understand why companies are so concerned when their profits dropped. In the past, I will think, profit dropped only what, not as if it's loss making.... 赚少一点而已吗,又不是亏。。。
But now.... 原来赚少一点也几心痛一下。
OK.. Nvm...
And day 3 of cny!
No place to visit liao!
Dinner at mac!