Saturday, February 8, 2020

OK, last ended at the 4th yusheng. 

Skipped the 5th and 6th yusheng first, cuz no time to load pics. Lol. 

The 7th yusheng, during dept lunch at yan palace

And the 8th yusheng at Shaw House hai xian lao with ex colleagues! Great catching up! 

Initially planned to go for the 9th yusheng today to celebrate 元宵。but with the wuhan virus and the dorscon being elevated to orange, 外面真的是人心惶惶。looks like its really better off to just hide at home.

And the vday event at our development which i was looking forward to, also kenna postpone liao. 


And Monday, maybe have to work at split sites liao. Meaning I will go to tpy office to work liao. Woahhahahaha, after so many yrs, it's back to tpy again. 


Yep. Stay safe everybody! 

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