Saturday, September 21, 2019

My XXth BdAy

hey hey! 

it's my bday! 

forget about how many yrs old ok. 

anyway, took the bday half day leave to celeb. 

yeah, so wrong to have to work on bday right, even if it was only for half a day.. but no choice, gotta save on the leaves. boo.

knocked off and went vivo to eat tcc. enjoyed the 50% discount! woot! i personally feel that the price of the drinks at tcc is reasonable, but the price of the food is really way off! so, typically wont eat, unless during bday mths when there is 50% off. LOL

mai tu liao! 2 desserts!!

after that went to do some clothing shopping. not enough clothes at MIL's place xia, so have to shop for some... though with more clothes, i also dont know where to store them in MIL's place. LOL. squeeeeezeeee!

and then after that, went to our new house for site inspection. kekeekkee


and then back to imm for swensens dinner and to claim the complimentary bday ice-cream! LOLLLLL

and finally back home for cake-cutting

with the 2 little boys...


happy birthday to me!!!!

healthy, happy, huat ok! 

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