Wednesday, February 24, 2016


the 5th yusheng for the year! @ paradise dynasty with hubb's family! 

huaaaat ahhh!

and it was also the 1st time i ate these kind of 水煮魚. have a colleague who loves to eat these kind of food and will go all the way to chinatown during lunch time just to tabao it back to eat. and i was thinking why she would like it.... all soaked in oil and looks so spicy.. and.. prepared mostly by *ahem*.. simply YUCK.

but who knows.... once i tried... i almost cant stop! the spiciness is shiooook lah. and quite yummy actually. yes, v oily indeed but can just wash off the oil with some soup/water/tea. and that can reduce some of the spiciness too, else really too hot. the one we chose was the lowest level of spiciness, there'r higher levels. i do want to eat again! shiok lah!

and it came in one ultra big bowl @ paradise... really one BIG bowl.. LOL 


初六morning was a visit to some distant relatives. woohooo. a semi-D house. 

and ah ray with some chilli padi plant. hahhaa

evening was a visit to ivan and eleanor's new house..


and then the 6th yusheng for the yr! hohohoho

great gathering and catching up!

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