Monday, September 29, 2014


part of the birthday present - a 1st row ticket to the Cavalia. hoho..

being the super expensive tickets, of cuz there were perks that came with them... ahhh... money money moneyyyy

we get to dine at the lounge before the show starts...drinks and wines were available.... free flow..

and during the break, desserts were served. the pictures did not turn out well though, as it was too dark in the lounge..

and, we get to meet and get the autographs of some of the performers....

and at the end of the show, we get to visit the stable and come up close w the horses

the show is really spectacular... it's amazing how some of the stunts were being performed.. and it's also quite stunning how they managed to build such big tents to house so many things at that big field..

unfortunately, photos and videos were not allowed during the show.. boohooo

during the show, the stage actually has no high barriers and I seriously wonder how they could be so confident that the horses will not go berserk and out of control..... I mean.... animals are ultimately animals, aren't them?! regardless of how well trained....... hmmmmmm

I have always dreamed of having a horse as a pet. lol. think that will be more expensive than owning a car huh. ok, no hope in having a pet horse... but.... starting to take horse riding lessons should sound more do-able bah? hohoho

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