Friday, July 20, 2012

MaLaCcA TriP - 23/6/2012 - 24/6/2012

went malacca last month for dad's ktv session. the itin were more or less the same as what we had last year. so not much photos taken.

as usual, assembled at outram mrt at 7am.. then breakfast at yongpeng... lunch at the same peranakan restaurant that we went last year..

hotel was a different one though. last year we stayed at renaissance, this year was at bayview hotel. nice dragon 2012 behind..

night time was to jonker street, where the performance was held. last year din managed to finish walking the whole stretch of jonker street. this year we did! hahaa

and finally got to eat the chicken balls. LOL.

the 2nd day itin were also more or less the same as last year. tour jonker street in the day, then durian session, bird nest factory, foodstuff outlet.

but this time round, there were some small hiccups. on the way for our durian makan session, while the bus was travelling, suddenly at the back, smoke began emitting. it was soo bad till it was as if we were taking an airplane, travelling through the clouds.

in the end, we were stranded at some ulu place....waiting for the replacement bus to come fetch us... waited for almost an hour i think..

real scary man.. if the bus had exploded... we would have all become roasted pigs.... 有惊无险.. huat ah!!!

good short trip. managed to buy some earrings and bangles.. and couple tees, good for our upcoming aussie trip :)

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