Thursday, June 28, 2012

yet another colleague leaving the dept.

farewell dinner for her @ marina mandarine, aqua marine buffet. good spread especially on the dessert. think so far, this is the only hotel buffet i visited that serves muah-chee as one of the dessert. yes, muah-chee. the whole piece is there, so u gotta cut the portion u want and 'gor' it with the peanut, just like how the auntie manning the pasar malam stall does it. LOL.

price is $68++ per pax. one of the steeper choice among the so many hotel buffets. well, it's 一分价钱一分货. with uob card, it's now 2 for 1. recommended.


much staff redeployment going on with the automation of our work processes. about a quarter (or half?) of the staff strength has been redeployed to other depts. so far, i havent kenna the arrow yet, hopefully it's a good sign and hopefully the arrow will never come..

everything seems like a 未知数........

i seriously think i do not have much career luck.

i think im a jinx at workplace, 克-ing away all my colleagues.


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