Thursday, October 15, 2009

DinNeR WitH Uni Galx

met up with dear ntu gals for dinner sometime last last week (or issit last last last wk??)
as suggested by YY, we went to this korean bbq restuarant in suntec, which i've tried once previously with JJ's frenx.
buffet abt 25/pax. unlimited supply of meat, meat and meat. yumm! think this is cheaper than seoul garden's dinner, but not as much variety of food. for one thing, veggi choices were really limited.
*me bbq-ing the prawns. such a sweet gal, arent i?? i will make a good wife!! LOL*

*ah yan and jo. yum yum to the food!*


*tt's yingying and gloria*

proceeded on to TCC at citylink and continued our chat and gossips and photo-takings..

*my bday present!!! so sweet of them to buy me something soo appropriate for my upcoming trip! thanks gals!!*
love u gals!! meet up soon again!!
and thanks ah yan for the pics.
erm... can send me those taken with BNF gang soon??
wahahah.. dont kill me..

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