Saturday, July 11, 2009


gosh, dont know wad happened juz now.. but i got prob logging into blogger, reason being the password is incorrect (?!). how could tt be?? i remb my password clearly and there's no reason y it's incorrect, unless it's changed... by someone else! randomly tried a few passwords and finally i managed to login with the same password, but w/o capslock! this is sooo strange!! my password has always been in caps, how come now auto change to small caps??!! this is sooo worrying!! did anyone do anything to my a/c???
and.. wad was more strange was tt i have prob logging into my gmail a/c and hotmail a/c and bbdc a/c!!!!!! how come all prompted that the password is incorrect??!! tried logging into uob ibanking and luckily there was nothing wrong with that. urgh.. this is sooo soooo sooo strange larr!!!
woke up real early on friday morning to send bro-in-law to airport. why why why wasnt it me who's going away??!! i also wanna travel!!!!!!!!!
monday, 13th will be his bday but he's now away in australia. so, sis bought a cake on thurs to celebrate for him..

~seriously, this looks more like a pizza box than a cake box!~*


~i've never seen a cake box that is sooo slim!~

~cookie cheese cake!! the cheese is super duper rich.. seriously cannot take too much. too rich liao, cannot take it.. ~
~happy bday bro-in-law~
so he'll be away till next sunday and his car is all ours till he returns. hehehhehe....
fri nite met up with ah yan and jo. yy pang-sei us (yy, u owe us one!) in the end and glo couldn't make it. but this time round, alastair and jansen came along. and alastair brought along his gf and a fren as well. had dinner at sushi-tei @ paragon and ktv after tt. but i only joined for the 1st hour of ktv. hehe.
and of cuz, per usual practice...

~hahahah, this pic was also taken in ktv room!!! saw the date on the bottom RHS?? 28Feb2007, 22.02hour! lol!!!!~

last last monday also met up with ntu bnf gang. ah yan, i couldnt get the pictures. if u read this, pls send them to me asap pls... thanks!!!!!!!

and of cuz... my puzzle.. quite a while since i update on the puzzle liao rite?
yeah, i admit there was a period where i stopped working on it.. but now, im back at it again! and, im seriously getting the hang of it! i will complete it soon!! hehehe!

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