Sunday, October 5, 2008

InVaSiOn Of ForEigN TaLenTs

'invasion of foreign talent' - this was the topic tt my grp did during the jc project. jc was like 5 years back. back then, it was a problem. now, more so.
went down to chinatown tdy after driving lesson to meet pa and ma for dinner. took the NEL line and there were sooooo many bangladeshies taking the train... when finally alighted frm the train, along the way, there were sooooooo many chinese..
singapore is more and more unlike singapore. foreigners are really invading our land!!!!
chinatown is where all the chinese go... little india is where all the bangla go.... orchard is where all the filippinoes go..... this is soooo OMG ~
the restaurants/coffeshops/hawker centres are using more and more chinese. soo many of those waiters/waitresses/helpers r frm china. for the filippinoes, besides being domestic helpers, many work in banks' call centres or customer service side cuz they can spk english. try calling the call centres of the banks, most prob u'll hit a filippino. was @ samsung customer care @ plaza sing tt day and almost all the officers r filippinoes...
and not forgetting the malaysians as well...... mostly in factories and beauty industry.....
actually understandable y they r so much more popular to employers than singaporeans do. the 2 magic words - cheap and good. where else to find rite?
sometimes i really wonder wad singaporeans can do. the top positions are held by foreign expatriates. the low positions are held by the foreign labourers. we singaporeans? nowhere here nor there. i really worry 1 day singaporeans can be soooo easily displaced tt all the job openings are held by foreigners while the singaporeans eat grass.
i sincerely think we r not too far off frm there.
imbalance. but somehow the government doesnt think so.
still remb in school, the scholars are mainly frm india, china, vietnam. wad is left for singaporeans? issit tt we r so incapable tt we have to allow, or rather, invite foreigners to come in and work for us? or issit that we have no opportunity to excel at all?
this is juz so sad.
while singapore strives to be a multi-hub, how many singaporeans truly play a part in reaching tt aim? and... more importantly, how many singaporeans will truly enjoy the benefits tt come with being a multi-hub?
serious business aside, tdy's driving lesson was cuii ~ almost as bad as the 1st lesson. donnoe wad the hell got into me. 11th lesson le. really no more excuses i can find for myself le, except perhaps, the sun was real scorching hot and i was too irriated by tt to focus on driving. o well. mistakes made in changing lanes, right turning, exiting frm a filter lane.. mount the kerb when going thru the crank course... making soo many damn mistakes! and... i actually mistook the green light as the red light and almost come to a stop when im not supposed to! gosh.. i must be so dreaming! i think after i get the license, i mite not have the guts to drive on my own either. argh. such a loser.
listening to the superband finals now.. sorry, but i seriously think the 'tu zi' cannot make it.. i find the 2 gals in the grp vvvvv freakish. im sorry, no offence, juz personal views.. i really have no idea how come they can make it to the finals. and... i guess they'll emerge as the final winner.. wad is the world coming to huh? ~

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