Monday, May 23, 2022

WisDoM TooTh ExTracTioN


Done deal with (one of) my wisdom tooth.

Yea. Decided to remove the wisdom tooth first, before seeing if the pain tooth is still in pain, or will recover after the wisdom tooth is removed. 

Now that the wisdom tooth is removed, the dentist said the pain tooth actually had no decay at all. 

So hopefully, the pain will go away and the tooth can survive lo. 


OK, quite a gruesom experience I will say. 

Went to 3 dentists. The 1st one is my regular dentist. A young lady, and to be honest I'm not very confident in her doing the extraction. 

The 2nd is a dentist whom I visited long long time ago. Much more experience than the 1st dentist. So wanted to hear his opinion. But his clinic is super far and not very convenient. 

So, I decided to visit a 3rd dentist which is at ytp. Walking distance! 

If his verdict is the same as the previous 2,and if I'm comfortable enough w him, I will let him do the surgery. Else, will just go to the 2nd dentist. 

And indeed. Not bad. Quite comfortable with him. So.... 就let him do le lo. 


And.... Just as I bought the boxes to keep the boys first set of teeth, should I be getting myself one too to start keeping my teeth ah?? Omg!!! 

OK, not funny. Really not funny. Losing tooth is no fun at all! 

Anyways, left cheek and below still numb.. Biting down the gauze, tasting the blood.. Eek. 

He sort of mentioned that the anathesia will go away in 4hrs..... So... Around 3pm I should start to feel the pain liao. 


Wish me good luck OK.

Hopefully can lose some weight.


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