Tuesday, May 24, 2022

T + 1

OK, 2nd day post wisdom tooth extraction.......

Believe it or not, ytd after the extraction, while the numbness is still there, I still can eat shilin Taiwanese food!


Cuz I know after the anesthesia goes off, sure pain till no need to eat liao..

And true enough, 真的几痛。still tot I will be able to tahan the pain, but... In the end still succumbed to the painkillers.. 

不要做无谓的挣扎......Really 连喝水都痛。。。。。。

Yea, 吃了好一点。。。

So, while the painkiller is taking effect and I feel less pain, I chop chop eat liao. Still can eat rice! Haha. 

So, looks like overall won't lose much weight.


And, when hubb did his, he said he experienced sore throat. And true enough, really got sore throat after that! 

Went Google and apparently it was due to sore and swelling muscles around the surgery area. Heng today no more sore throat liao. 

And... 说也邪门。。。hubb just did his about 3wks back. And my tooth 就刚刚好发作shortly after his extraction. 

Weird right. 



Or is it my punishment for saying him backside itchy, go remove the tooth for nothing??? 

See.. 有些事情真的不可以讲的。。。。。。

OK.. Anyways, recover soon OK! More importantly, hopefully can keep that tooth that was originally in pain....

And this little boy, today and tmr no school..... 

Kajiao my rest xia. 


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