Wednesday, December 15, 2021

TaeKwonDo LeSsoNs


Think Im really quite hypocrite, previously said don't want to enrol the kids in taekwondo/judo/karate etc right??? 

But now I did! 


Aiyah, not hypocrite la. Just thought it will also be good to enrol them in more activities.. Beats watching TV or doing nothing at home right!

So again, started with trial first. Went for trial at this school in JE. Woah. Mostly Korean coaches OK! Don't play play. 

And of cuz, the price also don't play play. Not cheap leh, monthly fee about $160 for 1hr session per week, if I remb correctly. 

So for 2children, it will be $320/mth. And it is not monthly payable. U have to pay for 3mths in advance. So each payment, is actually for 3mths. 

In other words, we have to pay $960 upfront plus whatever registration fee and uniform fee.....


B4 starting anything, we have to make a $1k payment? If the school closes shop tmr how? 

I never believe in prepayment. If I have a choice, it will be a no. 

So, though the school is not bad, we gave it a miss. 

Checked out a number of other schools, the fees are all thereabout. 

Then hubb was also quite disagreeable. Why would taekwondo lesson be so expensive? Then he said in the past, he learnt at cc, super cheap blah blah (he's a red belt btw, lolllll) 

And also don't know if they are really keen to learn through or not. Scully learn 1mth and want to give up liao how??? 

Anyway, I did check out the cc leh, but they said min age is 6 or 7yo... Meaning Didi cannot join....

But somehow hubb managed to contact this cc and they are OK to take in younger kids! 

Again, went for trial first. 

The lessons are conducted at void deck. Of cuz not so atas liao la, not like the school got aircon, got mat etc... 

But the price, really affordable!! Like, $30/mth only? U do the maths. 

Went for 2 trial lessons and decided to just sign them up la, since not that expensive. Just let them try out lor. 

Though the uniforms quite expensive. Ha. 


有架势! Lol

The only bad thing is that the lessons are on Tuesday. Abit mad rush lor and already quite late by the time the lesson ends. 

 And know what? 

It turned out that the head coach is the acting president of the Singapore Taekwondo Federation!!! 



OK anyway, just hope that the boys can persevere through and at least attain a black belt which their daddy did not managed to attain ba. 


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