Monday, October 18, 2021

PiaNo LeSsoNS

alright, so why enrol rayous in piano lessons right?


ok, honestly i think kids have very strong learning abilities. in the past, sending kids to childcare or enrichment or extra lessons, will sound like a cruel thing to me.... but now, honestly, if you dont send, you r only wasting the kids' time and potential! 

and i personally feel 5yo is a good age to start something. anything. 

yes, they should start to learn something and explore their potential!

so very initially, i did tot of sending him to courses like shichida method or heguru, these kind of brain development courses. but then, im quite skeptical of the outcome and the craziness in the way they flash the cards is scary... so, nope.

then i also sent him for trial lessons at i can read and Lcentral... but he doesnt really like it. and im also not very convinced that knowing phonics is a super good asset, afterall, we all grew up without knowing phonics and we r not that bad now right..... so, also no go. and anyway, the childcare also teaches phonics, so no point to spend money and learn again.

then also tot of attending berries, or tian hsia but his chinese still doable leh. no need to go for enrichment to that extent ba, i guess..

 and as what hubb said, we can still help him academically, and he also hasnt really shown any weakness academically, so why so gunchong to go enhance now?

so, we sort of shifted from academic courses to hobby courses. 

so for hobby, 来来去去就那几样 right... 

cant ask him to learn ballet ba. then, for taekwondo/judo/karate - why pay money to let pple hit and risk getting hurt? 

actually wanted to start him on art classes, but he is also not very keen. 

in the end, decided on music. of cuz there are many instruments to choose from la, but piano seems like the most classic and stylo-mylo, so decided on piano. 

sent him on trial, and he was quite receptive!

for piano, the most famous school, should likely be yamaha ba. but yamaha is super popular. almost every outlet we called, is full house and we r placed on waiting list. 

then we trial at aureus academy. the outlet at westgate is really small and squeezy and the fee is high. so not very ideal also. 

and lastly, we went to cristofori, which has a bigger premise and a more affordable pricing. 

and that was how the whole thing started. 

yup. and.. what turned out to be a '式式看' actually turned out to be quite expensive! 

cuz along the way, we realised that he needs a piano to practise! esp after the failed attempt at online lesson... the teacher was like stunned that we dont actually have a piano at home lor.. 

initially still very cheapo, buy these kind of toy piano for him to learn! lol.

but after much tots, we decided to just buy a proper one la. 
工欲善其事,必先利其器 right! if he doesnt have a piano to practise, whats the point of attending the lessons? once a week for only 30mins, is no use, if he doesnt practise, so i feel, in the long run, it will only be wasting money to continue the lessons if he cannot practise more often. 

and, he really can start to play some simple music pieces le. so, if really 有心 to learn, we should buy him one la. but of cuz, there are also many concerns la, like scare he gives up half way la, or he doesnt practise la, or what la. but, 也管不了这么多了. anyways, now cannot travel right... 就把travel省的钱花在这里吧.

initially also tot of getting a keyboard first, which should be cheaper than a piano. but then, a keyboard per se is also not cheap hor. somemore like half-baked like that, so forget it la, just get a proper piano la! 

and, we got a 2nd hand one! hehe. not as expensive, but serves as good. and we were also told that there is a resale value should we decide to sell it one day, yippie!

ok, so now.... ermzz.. he also doesnt really play every day la. just on and off. and, apparently, this hubb is playing more than him! dont play play! this hubb self-learnt, also can play something! lol.

and, of cuz we r also hoping raythorous can have an interest and then we can start him perhaps next yr. but so far, he said he is not keen, and wants to play the drum instead! 


ok, nvm. will pyscho him to learn piano also, so the piano will be used to the max. haha.

and, learning piano is no easy feat. heard of many cases which gave up along the way, and i can fully understand why. really not easy. 

for me, im a gone case in music. i still remember in pri school, im most afraid of the notes on the bar, cuz i can NEVER remember which note is on which line or space. NEVER! not even now! 
so, also abit scare, cuz i wont be able to help him if he encounters problem. but then again, if i can help him, then i no need to ask someone else to teach him liao right. haha. ironic.

so, now, can only pinned my hope on my children liao. 


just hope he can persevere and learn throughout ba. and of cuz, also hope raythorous can follow suit. 



fingers crossed!

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