Sunday, December 5, 2021

StayCay @ GrAnD HyaTT DaY 2 - 5th Dec 2021

Day 2 of our staycay!! 


Unlike the other hotels which mostly serve u the food at ur table, this hotel has very much resumed buffet style liao. As in, u can walk around and see see look look, then u tell them what u want at the station, and they will take for u. 

Variety so so nia. Not very fantastic, but doable. 

After that went out to walk walk awhile and met one of the most obnoxious shop assistant (or owner?) at this shop in Scotts Square. 

The shop name is Bullarum at B1. One very nice fairylike shop... But the shop attendant..damn fuk rude. An angmoh. Honestly did not expect this kind of service from angmoh.. But... Sigh

Go visit if u have a chance.

After that, came back hotel rest awhile, b4 going to the lounge for our tea break... 


And after that, was to jumptopia at MBS! 

The boys sure had fun! 

All the inflatables!!! Had fun jumping, really. 

2hrs slot, more than enough to tire us out. Lol

And then back to the hotel for dinner!!!!! 

Yummy yummy yummy! 

Hotel style de 住家菜。。。。kekekkeke

 Very happy again =) 

Fat die us. 

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