Monday, December 20, 2021

StaYcaY @ MBS DaY 3 - 18 DeC 2021

Day 3 of our staycay! 

some breakfast options provided by the hotel - at the rise restaurant, $70 credit for in-room dining, or $70 credits at 2 or 3 other designated restaurants within MBS shoppes.

since the bf ytd was at the rise restaurant, we decided to use the $70 credit to dine at one of the other restaurant - bread street kitchen.

happily walked all the way there, and realised it was the gordon ramsay restaurant....... and..... there was no seat at all! apparently, the reservations are back to back, so, the earliest available will be like 9pm? else, can q and wait for the counter seats. wtf. so popular meh. and apparently, the earliest online reservation is in jan2022 liao. diao. 

in the end, we went dine at the restaurant diagonal to this bread street kitchen. the name is black tap craft burgers and beer. 


they serve really fanciful milkshakes!!!! but really calorie and sugar loaded!!

lucky we saw other table ordered and know how it looks like, else we may order 1 to try. too scary, in the end, we just settled for the classic shake which looks more normal. 

and when we were about to leave, the table next to us actually ordered 4 glasses of such crazyshakes (yes, they are really named as crazyshakes on the menu). 4 glasses! i really wonder if they (parents plus 2kids) can finish. and not to mention, each glass is about $25++. so, they actually paid over $100 for the 4glasses. woah. 

anyway, western food really fatty bom ah. all deep fried, deep fried, and deep fried..... 

after that went walk walk at MBS.... 

some exercise after eating so much. LOL

after that was to the skypark

and then went back hotel to nap, before... swimming time!

and this time, i purposely approached the photographer to ask him to take pics for us. was waiting for him the whole time we were there the first time, but he never came. so this time, i asked him if he will be roaming around to help guests take pics. who knows, he said he's knocking off liao, but if i really want, he's ok to shoot for us. 

of cuz i want la. cuz we have a pic taken at the pool, during our wedding stay in 2014. so, been wanting to replicate the same pic with the boys. 

tada, the pic in 2014

and the pics now!

the photographer quite professional leh. still told us how to pose etc..... 

since i 'engaged' him, so naturally, have to make some purchases regardless nice or not liao right.... 

lucky turned out quite nice!! hehehe.

and i also really want to have these pics, cuz finally can officially take pics with mask off!!! all the attractions we went to, have to take pics with mask on, right. finally can take with mask off =)

he took about 25pics in total, all very nice. so it's $75 for 2 hardcopies (but in the end got 3 hardcopies, thanks to my quick brain and bargaining skills, lol), and all the soft copies. 

and the folder gets 'updated'. yeaaa! 

and dinner was in-room dining. quite mad rush really, cuz after swimming, we only have a little time for dinner, before going to Christmas Wonderland. wanted to grab food again, but delivery time quite long. wanted to dine-out, but dining out on sat is a nightmare. so, after much ding-dong, in the end decided on in room delivery, though the delivery time also quite long. 

the fee they charge really exorbitant, but since we got $70 credit, then just order lor.

chicken rice, $28. really. 

so minus the $70 credit, still have to top up another $70. 

and after that, it was to Christmas Wonderland!!! 

will post that in a separate post yea. 

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