Wednesday, December 22, 2021

ChrisTmas WonDerLanD 2021

Yup, so during day 3 of our stay, we also visited the Christmas Wonderland at Gardens by the Bay.

Quite mad rush, cuz there's a timing to go into the Wonderland, and we had yet to settle our dinner. In the end, decided to chill pill and just eat first, before we rush over. 

Theoretically can walk from MBS to gardens by the bay, but it was raining, so we grabbed there instead.

Lucky still can borrow umbrellas from MBS. Hiak hiak

Carousel ride! 

And some game stalls here and there

Managed to win some small gifts and 2 teddies

Not bad, got the festive mood, though the rain dampened it abit. Lucky not heavy rain. Phew. 

Also got food stalls.. 

And the highlight - to take pic with santa!!! 

Actually all thanks to hubb, always spending the effort to find out where can meet the santa. Kekeke

Yep, quite a fun place to go. A carnival amid the festive mood. Nice. 

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