Thursday, December 2, 2021

SchoOL's 'OpeN' HouSe

OK, so cux of covid right, the school no longer has physical open house... 

And very sadly, we cannot even accompany rayous into the school on his first day!! 

Just have to drop him at the gate and off we go! 

To think that I have already planned to take 5days leave straight! 


And, while I tot there will be no chance to go into the school, I found a way to sneak in!!!! 


Not sneak la. Is 光明正大walk in..... To collect the new books which we placed order online!! 

Hubb was saying to have the books delivered to our house. Lucky I was smart enough to opt for self collection, and that gave us a chance to enter the school. 


Not bad, quite nice environment.

We should have also brought rayous along to let him have a sneak peek!

Now no chance liao, unless we gei siao make an appointment to either buy books or buy uniforms, cuz all entry is strictly by appmt only.


Oh, and so, actually no need to go all the way to ubi to buy the uniforms one la...



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