Wednesday, December 29, 2021

StayCay @ MBS DaY 4 - 19 DeC 2021

Day 4 of out staycay at mbs

Yea, stayed 4d3n, should be one of the longest staycay we did liao. Keke


This time smart liao, choose the expensive Japanese bento.. 

Very happy =) 

Hubb and his mee rebus. Kekekeke

After that was back to room for phototakings before checking out. 

Yeaa. So that summed up our last staycay for the year liao. 

Did 2 staycay in Dec, cuz as what hubb said, the next time we do a staycay, not as easy liao, cuz have to accommodate Mr Rayous's school holiday schedule le. 

So before school starts, 尽量bring them to more places.... 

And yes.... 

New schools will be starting very very soon!!

'Schools' with a 's', cuz raythorous will be changing school too! 

Even I'm feeling the anxiety. 


OK shall blog abt that in a separate post. 

Thanks hubb for organising all these events and spending the money =)))

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