Monday, June 11, 2007


alrite.. it's the start of a new week. gotta be back in mood again. wad mood? "sending resumes and going for interviews" mood lar! the whole process.... gotta start all over again. ok.. i should be positive!! YEAH!
the morning started off quite ok. got a call early in the morning to ask me go for interview. lol~.. finally not some sales job le. or issit? not sure.. havent double chk the job description. time to do some hw. i realised.. after 2 yrs in banking and finance, im still not sure wad banking and finance is all abt! so, im really kidda worried abt the interview tmr. actually.. hmm.. how should i put it.. like.. u knoe, when i read those job descriptions that is related to banking and finance, i get so turned off. not turned off, but maybe.. scared?? i don know why. i graduated with a deg in banking and finance, yet when i come across job descriptions related to banking and finance, i get worried and im reluctant to apply. such an irony huh. really don know wad was i doing in ntu. half-bucket water!
i guess i know y afterall. cuz im a grad in bnf. pple will expect me to be very well-versed in bnf. and if im not, pple will definitely condemn me like hell. unlike, say for eg, a grad in mass comm. if he/she doesnt know alot in bnf, pple will teach and coach him/her, cuz they do not expect him/her to know alot. the threshold is much higher. tt's y i so scare la.. u know.. im half-bucket water ma. if really go into bnf field, pple sure expect me to know this know tt and their tolerance level for me will be low. so i really worried lor. so much for wad i wrote in my cover letter and resume. all bullshit!
anyway, shall c how things go. maybe, juz maybe, i'll not go into bnf related fields also. afterall, how many pple really do wad they study?? yep.. i shall juz wait and see wad life has in store for me!let the chapter begins!!
o, b4 tt magical ending, i wanna complain abt how things are getting more and more ex in sing!! sing is an unbearable place to live in!!! yesterday went took passport size photos. 4 pics for 8 bucks! wahh.. one pic is like 2 bucks?? worse still, it was damnnnn uglee lar.. tt woman.. cmi lar! send in for job applications sure kenna rejected. bobian, i went to another shop to take again. this time is 4 pics for 7 bucks. 1 buck cheaper cuz they not using digital camera, is those old camera, one shot settle, cannot choose. lucky it came out ok. much much better than the 1st attempt. buay tahan.. and there goes my 15bucks! y send in resumes also need pics?? tot frm young we r taught not to judge pple by the looks?? why pple never carry out wad they preach?? this is an uglee and materialistic world!!
and tt day, went food court with mum. she ordered one coffee and i ordered one can of soft drink. totalled up to $2.50! wahh... $2.50??! ex lorr.. life in singapore in getting really unbearable. really cannot blame me for always going jb to shop and boost their economy and harm our own. v diff to live in singapore liao.. haii..
ok.. shall stop sounding like a grumpy cheapo auntie. back to my magical ending - "let the chapter begins!"

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