woo... it's finally settled! i signed the contract le! hmm.. it's like a big load off. finally i got a job le. finally i can get started le! yeahhhh!! hmm.. need to do some physcological preparation now. hmm... huiping.. pls remember that:*
1) if u wanna earn pple's money, be prepared to 受人家的气.
2) it will be tough at the beginning cuz everything's new and u know nothing. it's inevitable and okay to be fearful and miserable. tahan this period. eventually u'll find everything okay. it takes time.
3) some pple mite not be so friendly but tt's cuz u all r not 熟. don be offended. give urself time to know other pple and give other pple time to know u. u'll soon learnt tt everybody's nice ard u.
4) take everything in a positive manner. even if they ask u to do "sai-kang" (shit job)... tell urself tt u'll still learn something out of it. don 埋怨 or be unhappy or feel unjust.
5) even if ur really unhappy, neber show it !!
6) everything must 忍 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7) if really unhappy, think of the money tt u'll be receiving at the end of the month. tt will make u feel better.
yepp.. it's my 1st job. hmm... don know how to describe lei.. haha.. finally stepping into this working society. after studying for so so so long.... this day is finally here. hmm.. weird feeling la.
my contract. cannot disclose the clauses though... thanks to all whom i consulted regarding the issues on contract.. lol.. i 1st-timer lar.. must know wad im entitled to and wad should be stated n wad not. cannot blur blur.. later kenna cheated also donnoe.. *
9th july. im looking forward. i hope this enthusiasm will still be there after i start work. i hope everything will be fine. but then, i also know tt it's quite tough to stay long on the 1st job. somehow, for "beginnings", it's the norm to job hop a few times b4 really settling down. see how ba.. no point thinking so much now..
tt's my "uniform".. haha.. no lar.. gotta wear on weekends only. but abit weird lo.. collar tee doesnt go with knee-length skirts or long pants lorr.. but anyway, everybody will be wearing.. sui bian lorr.. actually also gd la.. then i no need buy so many tops. hmm.. now i need shoes n bags. shoes must be at least one inch tall. mm.. thinking of going jb tmr.. but... dangerous horr? hmm..
alrite. the door's opened. i've come to the 1st station. let's see wad's gonna happen @ this 1st station. ***pray***
i hope all will go well :)
wad happened to my chatbox?????? omg.. don tell me it's gone! arghh... how huh??? 1st it was the counter.. now the chatbox.. wad the..
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