Thursday, June 28, 2007

FyP GroUp OuTinG

ok.. and as usual.. im not sleeping when im really supposed to. all thanks to my com and internet connection. i started using the com at 11.30pm, thinking tt i've half an hr, juz enuff for me to finish blogging and to go to bed at 12am. but the com kept hanging and i had to keep restarting. when the com's finally working, the internet connection got cut off by itself suddenly. argh!!
ok.. now it's 12.24am.. i wasted almost an hour. wad the... anyway, had dinner with my fyp prof and mates over @ fish n co @ the glass hse. pretty cool place. 1st time i ate there. got live singers there. and.. pls do not go to fish n co to celebrate ur bday cuz they'll make u wear a funny hat and stand on the chair and the crews will make a big hoo-haa.. then u'll have the whole restaurant looking at u. woo.. if ur an attention-seeker, then tt's fine. if not, it's really quite malu. we did it once for xh at the outlet in jp. but she was too paisay to stand on the chair anyway. hahah...
had a great time chatting with them. prof kang's really a nice guy. the 1st impression he gave me was a serious man, "straight to the pt, no time to crap" tt kind. but as time goes, he's really a nice guy. he helped us sooo much in our fyp proj, making everything sooo easy for us. thank god we found him as our tutor. cant thank him enuff.

me n jovin... the famous 'tweeze' again... no other pose liao..

wayne's in white and prof kang's in blue..

apparently i should not pose this pic, cuz wayne's eyes r closed.. but... i don care! lol ..

ok... doing wayne a favour...

this was taken is prof's office. haha.. quite some time back.. did we change much???

yepp.. tt's all the pics i have of them. fyp.. the majestic thing. completed. got an A. fantastic. all thanks to my fantastic grp mates - wayne n jovin.. and of cuz.. our fantastic tutor - prof eugene kang.. and of cuz... the fanstastic ME! yeahhhh!!! ****cheerz****


yes... i juz knew i'll go crazy whenever im tired... yeah...

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