Tuesday, June 12, 2007

LooKinG FoRwArD

this week's gonna be a fruitful week. today already tues. got 2 interviews later on. wed planning to go out with hubb. maybe to jb. then at night gotta go tanjong pagar. been invited to go listen to a seminar then do a survey after tt. but the main thing is, i'll get 20 bucks after tt! hahah.. hubb and me 2 person go will have $40 bucks. yea~ then after the survey thingie, meeting up with a buyer to sell my old books. can earn another $15. hee.. hopefully the rest of the books can sell off too..
thurs and fri and the following 2 weeks i'll be working at the old co tt i'd always worked. looking forward.. finally can earn some money while looking for a perm job. else i really feel like a thrash at home. but if go work, then how to send resumes and go interviews? anyway, my supervisor said he'll make the necessary arrangements if i need to go off. hehe.. so shld be ok ba.. finally some income!! happy! nice pple, familiar environment, no stress, no politics, easy job (data-entry).. if only i can do part-time forever...
thurs will be meeting up with the marketing gang. yea. hmm.. the last time we met was during cny period. so it's like 3mths? hehe.. then fri will be meeting up with xxg. been sooooo long since i last met them. cool. can gossip till siao liao. supposed to meet for whole day de.. but with my work, now can only meet for dinner. boo.. but then... money really more impt worr.. esp in times like this.
looking 4ward!!!

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