Tuesday, June 5, 2007

No OuTcOmE

went for an interview today. everything was gd until the lady told me tt wad i wrote as my expected pay was too high for a fresh grad with no experience. they asked me wad was my threshold. i said a figure which in fact was lower than my threshold. too pressurizing and there was no way i "dare" to say my true threshold. anyway, they said they'll call me up by this week if im selected for a 2nd interview. if they call, im gonna tell them my true threshold. and if they cannot agree, then jiu suan le ba.
anyway, i cant deny tt im disappointed. am i really asking for too much? am i really worth so little in the eyes of the employers?
and the last thing i need now, is pple telling me how much higher i should go for and not settle for those "low-paying" jobs. who don know i should go higher? who don know i should aim higher? who don know i should apply for big companies and big banks? but, are pple willing to gimme a chance? it's not as if im not doing anything rite? but it takes 2 hands to clap. i took the step, but the employers must take the step too, rite? will pple stop making everything sound soo simple? i have no bargaining power @ all! who am i to tell the employers tt "hey c'mon, i'm worth more than $xxxx, if u cannot offer me $yyyy, then pls don waste my time!".. come on lor.. u expect me to say tt to the employers issit? simpleton and naivety!
i feel there are many ways to encourage pple. but telling me such things when im already feeling so down will only make me feel worse. i hope in this world, pple can be more sensitive and mature. think b4 one talk. put yourself in the situation, b4 u comment.

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