Monday, June 18, 2007


Finally one day where i came home straight after work. past few days been going out.. now finally can come home le.. haha.. say till like wad like tt.. anyway, today supposed to have tuition, but tt person called and changed to tmr. boo.. ma said tmr she'll cook feast cuz of dumpling festival and told me to come home for dinner. but now got tuition.. sian.. can only eat leftovers le..
hmm i think working will really make me gain weight. always eating and not exercising. at home, usu i wake up at ard 10am. then eat breakfast. usu in the morning, juz wake up, not tt hungry de. so breakfast usu cannot finish all de. so i will leave for afternn. and ard 2pm, i'll finish all up. then wait till dinner time and eat again. working is diff lor. cuz u wake up early ma, so by 10am, already v hungry. so must eat something. then within 2 or 3 hrs, u'll go for lunch. cuz cannot eat half and save for later, and don wanna waste food, u tend to finish all. then ard 4pm, snack abit again. then reached home, abt 7pm, eat again. see the impact? eat eat n eat.. working makes one fat!
n today pa bought durians home. so v v nice of him. yesterday @ geyland i suggested eating but cuz we were all too full, in the end we din eat any. and so today he specially bought durians home for me to eat. soooo nice of him!
and now im addicted to this sammi cheng's new song - 她们说. darn good. her singing darn power. i love her!

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