Monday, December 28, 2020

My NeW WalleT


Last Monday of the year!

And day 1 of CB exit phase 3!


But it doesn't help that my tummy hurts and feeling emo... All thanks to u know who... 

Anyways, managed to A this from hubb!!!

yes, since hubb bought me the wristlet 9yrs back, i havent really have a proper wallet since. and it really is getting on my nerve how difficult it is to search for the cards and money! and.. poor wristlet.. 给我挤到要爆le...

and.. got people tell me... the way i fold and stush my cash.... cash will not want to enter my 'wallet'.


so i decided to have a more decent wallet and be more organised about the whole thing. 

but.... i need something which i dont need to hold on hand, cuz i need to hold the hands of the 2 boys right??! and i dont want a bag, cuz it will be too heavy. 

just want something lightweight, which i can sling, and just put in essential cards/cash/tissue paper/hp. thats about it. 

and yes! finally settled on this. 

but alas, it is not sufficient to put in ALL my cards. and u know how damnnn irritating it is when there are some perks which u can enjoy if u use so-and-so card, and u 明明 have the card, but did not bring right??!

ya, so.... no choice... if really need be, i just attach the wristlet to this new bag. 

like this!!



anyway, thanks hubb for the gift! 

will A u for another one when the time is right again.


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