Friday, December 25, 2020

MerrY ChrisTmas!!


merrrrrry xmas!!!!!!!!!

yeah, xmas eve.... and i still got virtual teambonding session in the morning! believe it or not! and after that was team meeting, lucky got cancelled in the last min. haha 

hubb went to pick the boys around 1pm...

came home lunched, rest awhile, before we prepare for our xmas eve celeb. LOL

to gardens by the bay...... 

.... to meet santa!!!

yes, hubb has been searching around to see where to meet santa this yr. according to him, many hotels are no longer hiring santa to meet and greet guests. and finally, he managed to find that gardens by the bay has santa meet and greet! 

yup, so shun bian visited the 2 domes using the sg rediscover vouchers

honestly, how lame to take pics with masks on......

and yes, thats how obsessed im with shopping in shopee. even went to buy xmas masks! ya, cuz take pics with masks on right, so the masks must also be nicey ones.

now in the midst of looking for cny masks..... 



after that, was our dinner feast at pan pacific hotel!

the spread is definitely better than what we had last yr at four seasons hotel. at least got food suitable for children. this rayous was super happy chomping the chicken rice away. yummmx

and.... crab 'gong' 吃得多了吧... how about some lobster gong???!

yay, too bz eating, din take much pics of the food. haha. 


so again, so much 好料 also no use... cuz 饱了就是饱了, 想再吃都不行了.....


merrrrry xmas!!!

and on xmas day... 开礼物啦!!! 

actually should wait till boxing day is it? but the boys had been asking day and night to open them! already an achievement to wait till xmas day! hahaha

and our annual xmas dinner choice - pizza hut! dont know why but they are not delivering to our area today, so had to do a self pick-up 

really calories 超标 xia!!!! 


sigh. after the festive season 再加油吧!!

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