Wednesday, December 2, 2020

oh hohohoho...

attended hubb's friend's ROM at Regent Hotel's Summer Palace Restaurant 

hubb was his brother.... and Rayous was the 小花童.. LOL

so they went off much earlier than Raythorous and myself

yupp, didi and i grabbed down ourselves.. $24 bucks grab fee ok.. so exp

meanwhile, rayous carrying out his duties at the other end.. hahaha

and this hubb... told us to reach the hotel by 1130hr.... darn... nobody at all lorrr. 

so kuku u know... so early and no one else..... after a while, the bride's family arrived. lagi even more weird..... 

so much so that i had to bring didi and walk walk outside a few times. and it did not help that the heels were killing me! ouch!

and poor didi.. kept saying he was hungry. did not let him eat much cuz i tot lunch will be served at latest 12pm... who knows.... 

no choice lor, in the end brought him to the atas cafe below and bought him this donut for $5. 

ya, for a donut they also give such a nice bag to pack the donut.... 

and finally lunch commenced...

not bad, long time since we attended a wedding event. though this was ROM and only 4 tables... 

yummy food. 

and believe it or not... the boys went home and concussed from 6pm+ all the way till the next day liao! 


super tireeeeed!!

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