Thursday, December 10, 2020


My boy's first dental visit. 

Actually not the first la. There was previously one time that we brought him to the dentist after he kenna knocked on the teeth by his school mate. 


OK, anyway, I personally feel that going to the dentist is a daunting matter and I definitely do not want to traumatise him, in case he doesn't want to visit any more dentist in the future.

So been asking around for recommendation and a few told me about this school dental centre located at health promotion board. 

And so I quickly make appointment... 

And believe it or not.. I called up in Aug and the earliest appointment date is in Dec! 


Anyway, no urgency, so OK to wait lor. 

And indeed, not bad at all. 

Very gentle and cute young lady dentist. Think they recruited all the new grads for them to learn and gain experience. Ha. 

See how happy he was...

And really quite impressed with all the children there.. None cried or made a din.. Super quiet inside.. (it's one super big room with many cubicles) 

And of cuz, my boy was super chill about it too. 


I was very concern with his teeth grinding at night... So bad so that his teeth grinding sound can wake me up OK! Lucky was told by the dentist that it's quite normal for children at his age to grind teeth. Phew. 

And after dental appointment, was ice cream treat!! 

How counter-productive right! Lol

Can be 牙膏代言人already! 


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