Monday, December 14, 2020


phase 3 exit to commence on 28dec! 


a good half year since phase 2... wahhh.. how time flies leh.. really... 

back then i was still kb-ing why so fast phase 2.. now, half yr passed liao!

to quote what pm lee said - 'some good news to end the year'. 

honestly, if i were G, i would have pushed phase 3 to march, after all the festive season. 

so G still not bad la. post xmas, but in time for ny and cny. 


increasing from 5pax to 8pax is some, though not great, improvement. 

at least, now can bring the folks out to dine liao. and bnf gang can also gather liao.

but, to have family gatherings or gatherings that involve friends and their spouses/children will still be tough. actually why 8 but not 10 huhh?? 

and so, cny will still be a headache lor? 

likely have to visit in batches liao, since if everyone gather, it will sure be >8pax. 

ok la, one step at one time ok. dont be greedy. 

but outside really darn many pple now also.... 

and... with phase 3... very likely i will be called back to office soon..... 


but ok la, im more prepared now.. actually was expecting to go back somewhere in oct liao.. so, 无惊无险 so far, already 赚到.

and with this new helper, im also more 放心 to go back to work. 

i tell u.. i cannot expressed how disturbed i was back then at work, when i checked the camera and saw the darn ex-helper slacking away. really affecting me alot.

this new helper.. so far still ok.. not as slack and chao geng as the ex. so.. hopefully wont give me problem when im back to work. *finger crossed*

ok, till then... enjoy while i can ok!

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