After that collected the cake and picked up the boys to cut cake at her house..
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
MIL's BdaY
Monday, November 29, 2021
What's with this omicron....
The name so nice somemore...
Hopefully 只是雷声大,雨点小。
Sunday, November 28, 2021
XmAs TrEe
Saturday, November 27, 2021
FaiLed Buys
I'm damn hopeless.
A series of failed buys on shoppee recently!!!!
I think I'm seriously addicted to shoppee.
Though I see the reviews and am quite sure that the pdts will not look good on me, I still went ahead to purchase.
Simply because they are inexpensive, so I just want to buy and bang my luck, hopefully they turn out better than I thought.
To be fair, there were times when the reviews were bad, but the actual pdt arrived OK.
Unfortunately, most of my recent purchases, really as bad as I had expected!
What's wrong w me xia??
明知道应该是不行的,still want to buy, just to make myself 心服口服。
And now lagi worse.. Know what I'm thinking?
Most of the pdts I bought are wrong size... I'm thinking if I should purchase again to get the correct size!!!
Omg max.
What am I thinking really?
But actually not wrong too. If I spent $x, and bought a pdt that I will not use, why don't I spend $2x to get another one that I will use? Since x is really not a big amt??
Shucks. Am I right or wrong??!
Though x is not a big amt, many x will still be quite a considerable sum right??!
I think i should just delete the app.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
HardRocK CaFe @ OrchArD
Monday, November 22, 2021
ReJecTed PhoTo
Thursday, November 18, 2021
GarDeniNg @ HoMe
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
StarT To FiNe DiNinG

Sunday, November 14, 2021
CabLe CaR/SenToSa/RWS
Friday, November 12, 2021
PassPorTs ReNewaLs
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Wah lau eh, what's with this 11.11 gimmick xia?
Almost everybody is riding on it la!
Honestly, got big discounts meh?
Likely they just mark up the price and so-call give u a BIG discount on this gimmick day.
Though I'm a strong supporter of shoppee, to be frank, I don't believe in buying expensive stuff online.
Or rather, I don't believe in buying expensive stuff via these kind of 3rd party platforms. If buy officially from the brand's website, still OK. But if buy from chapalang sellers, then no.
But yep, cuz of the 11.11 influence, I bought one of the most expensive thing via shoppee - bedding set!!
Probably the most expensive thing that I have bought via shoppee so far!
Bedding set is never cheap. Buy online also not cheap, but at least got some cash back promo, and got free delivery, so just buy lo.
And is not from chapalang seller hor. Apparently is from the brand itself, but via shoppee. So, should be quite safe ya.
Anyway, I did buy some cheapo bedding set via shoppee b4. Initially still thought I was so smart, managed to buy such expensive stuff at a low price.
Alas, 一分价钱真的一分货。
The cheapo bedding set really cannot be compared to the good ones.
OK anyways, Xmas and cny coming.
Lotsa things to buy again!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Saturday, November 6, 2021
Friday, November 5, 2021
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Nothing compromised and can enjoy the higher speed!!
So looking forward to work now.
And hopefully, it will be another half Yr before I need to step into office again.
Or better still, no need to go back office anymore.
Wfh permanently.
Oh oh, and I managed to retrieve my ah huat coffee satchets that I left in office since May!! Remb I was quite sore abt it? Haven't expire, still can drink!!
Monday, November 1, 2021
Start of a new month!!!!!
Sent the boys back to school liao!!