Tuesday, November 23, 2021

HardRocK CaFe @ OrchArD

Ha. Since we tried out the ribs at hardrock cafe rws, we have been missing it! 

And didnt get a chance to visit when we last visited rws cuz it was fully booked... 

So, this time round, smart liao, called to reserve first.

Who knows, the outlet is still fully booked! 


So, we went to the outlet in orchard, next to Forum the shopping mall.


Really the season to get fat!!! 

Look at this ultra huge cup of brownie ice cream!!

Sinful max! Omg. The cheesecake also one super big slice!! 

Then walk walk around orchard to enjoy the festive mood.....

Only walked the stretch from forum to Wheelock.. Don't dare to cross over to ion side... Cuz it was sooo sooo crowded la!! 

 And I honestly think it was my first time visiting forum the shopping mall. Never been there before.. Ha. 

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