Thursday, May 6, 2010

My New PlaCe

3 days have passed and im still surviving! well, there's no reason y i shouldnt be since now is still the honeymoon period. but i cant guarantee that i can still say the same 3mths down the road.

apparently, from wad i've observed so far, everyone is B.U.S.Y.. to the extent that they will choose to lunch in. yah, i've been lunching in for the last 3days as well since there's no one who'll go out to lunch with me. i have no chance to experience the lunch time madness in CBD area yet and no chance to bring my pretty coach wristlet out. boo.

but lunching in is not a bad thing either lah. at least dont have to sqz, queue, chop seats, bear the heat outside. i dont mind lunching in, but i definitely mind self-reducing lunch hr from an hr to a few mins cuz of work. i sincerely hope i will not be soo tied down with work tat i have to make such sacrifices. lunch time will still be an hr even if it's lunching in, rite? haii.. miss the days in TPY whereby we will always la-liang at the HDB Hub area after lunch...

apparently pple here (at least my team which consists of 9pax) aims to leave on the dot, but they will come in super early (ie 7am+) to start work. they dont mind coming in early, but they mind going back late. think most prob due to the fact that they have children waiting at home bah. like CMD, my teammates look young, but many are already married with children. o well, for me, i hate to wake up early. so most prob, i will reach office on the dot but leave late.

this links to the OT issue. in CMD, more OTs means more hardworking. but here, apparently more OTs = less efficiency as it's suggesting to the mgmt that u need more hours to complete ur work. and in CMD, OT means 1.5hr more. but here, OT means working 2hrs more. so far, from wad i've gathered, they seldom make OT claims even if they stay... gosh.. this is real bad news.. my pay will be rather fixed and there's no way i can enhance it anymore. no OT claims, no incentives.. NOTHING!

but the good thing here is, i no longer need to communicate with customers, which is the thing i dreaded most when in CMD. also, my current seating position is superb. it's rite at the back, facing everybody, so i know exactly who is approaching. behind me are rows of cabinets.. so no one knows wad im doing unless they are behind me looking for files in the cabinets. lol!!! and the vending machine here has my fav milk tea and mocha - hot and cold!! kekekek..

work-nature wise, i wont say it's tough, but rather, it's v tedious. many details to take care of, many paper work, many liasing with internal parties, many things to take note. really gotta be meticulous and organised if not will easily commit mistakes and fall into a total state of confusion. generally, the things are quite standard. i believe it'll become real mundane once i get the hang of everything.

like i say, my team consists of 9pax and 5 of them are AM! unlike CMD, where there's only 1 AM in a team of 20+ pple, i will say there'r 2 ways of viewing the situation. 1) little chance of promoting since more than half the team are already AM 2) mgmt is v ready in promoting pple. so long i perform well, i stand a good chance. and of cuz, i will choose to believe in the latter. firmly.

but note, rank difference here is not great. apparently, SOs and AMs and AVPs all do roughly the same thing, unlike in CMD, once u are an AM, u are considered 上神台 liao.

so far, im happy with where im. staying in my own cubicle, doing my own work, dont have to talk to pple...that's exactly wad i've been wanting all the while.

i sincerely hope my happiness will last and it's not a smokescreen to real hell.

and.. i realised in CBD areas, no pedestrains really obey the traffic rules. green light = go does not really apply. rather no cars approaching = go applies totally.

culture shock.

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