Friday, May 21, 2010

SaD Lahhhhh

好花不长开 好景不长在

i jus knew things will not be so 'shun' for me......

was notified by my team lead that out of the 8 of us, 2 will have to transfer to another team. still doing the same things, still in the same office, just reporting to a different team lead.

she asked for volunteers and if no one wants to volunteer, she'll choose.

at that mmt, i kind of guess i'll definitely be one of them le. who else to arrow besides the newbie?

but on 2nd tot, i tot she mite not choose me. afterall, im still new. not nice to give a newbie to someone else bah? want to give, also give some1 with experience de rite? somemore, she was the one who interview and rope me in.. yet so soon want to give me up???

so.. i tot it was a 50-50 chance for me.

but juz now.. she came to me and asked if i will be unhappy if she were to trsf me out. she said im not so into things yet but it has been long time relationship with the rest of them... 

well..... wad else can i say? newbie 就是要被牺牲 de lorr........


seriously, i dont mind going to another team and reporting to another team lead. but....


this is super depressing.

im gonna lost my private little corner. shucks big time!


but i guess i cant blame her bah. like i say, who else to arrow but the newbie? if i were her, most prob i will make the same decision too. and if i were the old birds, i'll b super angry that i kenna arrowed instead of the noob. well.... but i still cant help but feel like a sacrificial lamb....


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