Sunday, May 2, 2010

LasT DaY @ CMD

tmr will be my first day at the new dept... argghh.. gotta start from square 1 all over again. haii.. hate the feeling of being a newbiee... 

anyway, lunch on my last day was at soup restuarant.  

~ my lunch kakis... the lunch group has unknowingly grown larger ~ 

~ ordered don pie as a treat for all of them.. something like chix pie, but with more solid fillings. everyone loves it ~

~ with my supervisor who presented me with the farewell pressies on behalf of the team. he's a good head, and hopefully, i'll meet someone as good at my new place ~ 

~ ultra big colorful card, coach wristlet, roses and sunflower. superrrr touched ~

took pics with everyone present that day... but will only post a few here. if ur keen, can take a look at the rest of pics here.


~ my 'disciples'. lol . i trained them when they 1st joined the dept.. the other 'disciple' is eleanor who left even b4 the shifu! keke ~

 ~ at my current seating position.. im proud of how i managed to clear the table till soo empty :) ~

~ my lorong. when im super sian and demoralised at work, i used to look down the lorong and tell myself that all these colleagues r on the same boat as me. have to don that headset, have to entertain customers, have to hit productivity.. and i felt better as i know im not in this alone.. yet now.. im leaving them.. mmmm ~

~ at the supervisors lorong. hehe~ 

~ bye bye CMD ~

after that was dinner at lau pat sat with some of them.. shiok !

~ preeetty coach wristlet ~

~ i'll miss them too... ~

really touched by all the effort as there was already an 'official' farewell dinner for me at holiday inn hotel (will blog and post pics later).

thanks to all of them.

tmr will be a new chapter of my life again. jiayou. all the best !!!! being a newbie will be super tough. i will hang in there!!

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