Wednesday, May 12, 2010


you know how when sometimes things seem too good to be true, u 'll start to wonder if it's all just a dream?

i'm still trying to convince myself that all these r not dreams. im so afraid one day, i'll wake up and all r back to where i originally was.

also, nothing in this world comes free. im soo afraid i'll have to bear some loses for these gains that im getting now.

i wont say im very good now.. but.... it's really a dream come true.

im really one lucky ass.


attended a one-day credit course today. the trainer is my current colleague. we are termed as 'credit officers'.  her aside, im the only odd one out, becux all the rest who attended are either personal bankers (PBs) or home loan specialists.

thinking that it was a course day, i tot everyone will be casually dressed but in the end, i was the only one to be ultra under-dressed. -_-"

i tell u, PBs are PBs... they r really good at grooming themselves. the gals.. it was as if participating in pagent.. all slim slim chio chio one. but the guys.. surprisingly.. none can make it (that is, in terms of appearance). i sincerely wonder how are they going to compete with the female PBs.

anyway, i was saying, i was under-dressed. but suprisingly, knowing that all their loan applications has to come thru me for reviewing and recommendations b4 it can go to my superiors for approval, there was no sense of inferiority but superiority!

and it feels really good when pple says 'you should be the expert wad... u approve our loans one lehhh..'

if u like it, u can say im ego. but im definitely not flaunting anything here. i have my fair share of indignation b4 im where im now. im sure u still remb how i used to rattle on work issues here, rite? anyway, if ur really my fren and really care for me, u wouldnt think im flaunting, but will be glad for me, right right right ??! unless of cuz, u do not consider me as ur fren. ops.

anyway, im still honeymooning now. i can only say, so far so good. the rosy impression is still there. things might not be the same 3months down the road, and my rattles may start all over again, but rite at this mmt, im happy with wad i have.

i dont know who to thank. but anyway, i just want to say THANK YOU. to whoever, wadever, for giving me everything tt i have now.

i really really appreciate them. please do not take them away from me, or expect me to lose something in exchange.


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