Thursday, May 27, 2010


i dont know why.. but it's still quite depressing to know tt i gotta shift.

haii, also dont knw y im taking it so hard.

i really shld be more positive and optimisitic.

but.. the tot of having to shift to a suckier position, having to get to know the new team mates/leader all over again simply sux.

and... my current mentor is ever so busy with his own stuff that he hardly has time for me. there's still quite abit of stuff which he hasnt gone thru with me. and yet, 31st may will mark the end of my honeymoon period and i will have to fully takeover.

notwithstanding the fact that i'll be starting in a new team! urgh!

super sian lah. dont know wad to say liao..

i guess i shld juz njoy this long wkend and welcome the new challenges openly....

and, it really sux big time being a newbie!

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