Monday, May 14, 2007

The LonG AwaiTeD DiM SuM TrEaT

went out to have dimsum with bnf gang @ redstar restaurant near chinatown. we agreed on this dimsum outing long long time ago, but because of fyp, examz, trips and other commitments, it was postpone till now. finally we had our dimsum outing!hmm.. the food there ok lar. but the service.. err.. it's those push trolleys de.. then somehow the trolleys seldom come to us. boohoo.. and xiuhui and jas leaving tmr for their france exchange. may they have a wonderful experience!
after dimsum went meet hubb. wanna exchange the hk big notes to small notes. the money changer lar... when we exchanged, he gave us all in $1000 notes. now in hk, there are fears of counterfeits $1000 notes and i think many will not want to accept $1000 notes. when we requested the money changer to give us small notes, he said doesnt have small notes. wad the... so we ended up having to go to the banks to exchange. and so, we went POSB. POSB said they do not hold foreign currency. then we went UOB. then they said the hk's currency's "out of stock" and tt if we want to exchange, we gotta go to the main branch in raffles. wad the................. y issit like tt ??????? now all we have are 1000 hk notes.. don tell me cannot use horrr! hopefully hubb can find a bank to change for us tmr.
and my hair really sucks. i really think this color doesnt suit me! gosh.. it's uglee!! makes me look old, dull and serious. diaoo .. sad.. haii.. and i think i put on weight. my face so darn blurdy round now.. arghh!! y like tt @#&^@&#@^#&

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