Monday, May 28, 2007

FooD in HoNgKonG

ok.. starting to miss hongkong already. buay tahan.. miss the vibracy and the happening life there. i simply miss getting out of the building and there are shops to shop. unlike here, step out of my block got nothing but trees, benches, playgrd and kindergarten... duh... hmm.. ok.. as usual, i shall blog abt the food in hk 1st. hehe.. food, glorious food!

all these are frm the cha-can-tings. cha-can-tings can be found easily in hongkong, some newer some older. wide variety of food inside but more or less the same for every cha-can-tings. yep. and i think the thing i ate most often while i was in hk is eggs. most of their dishes include eggs. not one, but 2.

top left: luncheon meat + eggs spaghetti. erm.. not tt nice.. i guess i still prefer spag cooked in the italian way. not in soup.....
top right: satay beef marcaroni.. erm.. also not v nice.. the marcaroni is nice, but the satay beef.. hmm.. doesnt go with the marcaroni ba..
bottom left: beef horfun with eggs. v nice. one of the best thing i ate in hk.
bottom right: luncheon meat + eggs noodle. one of the best also. i love the noodles lei.. but then horr.. this kind of noodles is instant noodles. abit dumb to spend so much on instant noodles when u can cook at home, rite? so though i like to eat, but i seldom order. hhhaha.. cheapo ba?
food in cha-can-tings are of a large portion. take a look..

see? the food like a mountain like tt. most of the times cannot finish all de. quite wasteful. and the ever famous 菠萝包.. yep.. yummy..
next.. lemme intro some snacks...

top pic: wad im holding are 包s frm 长州, one of the island in hk. they are called 平安包. every yr in may in 长州, they have a celebration and one of the hi-lights is for the participants to climb up these tall structures to grab the baos. whoever got the most baos win. so go there of cuz must try the taste of the bao. but nothing special lar.. juz bao lorr.. haha.. got big ones .. but we juz bought the small ones to try. the one we tried is red bean paste fillings de. still got sesame paste fillings and one other, which i cannot rem.

wad im holding in the bottom pic is the red-bean chwee kueh. saw it in tv b4.. always wanted to try, this time finally got chance. but to my disappointment, it's not nice de lei. does not taste like chwee kueh de. taste more like nian-gao. boo..
the one on the left is po-luo-bao. and on the rite is red bean milk. nice.

yet more snacks. wad hubb is holding is chee-cheong-fun. very authentic ba? frm those road-side stalls de. they got no seats for u. so u juz stand there and eat or find a seat somewhere and return the plate after eating. or u can tabao, then they juz put the cheong-fun into a plastic bag then u can juz poke frm the bag. v cheap de, i remembered. 6 rolls for like sgd1 ? something like tt.. the top rite shows the snacks we bought frm another road-side stalls. saw tt jumbo hotdog? real yummy. but things frm such stalls not cheap. but v yummy lar. and these stalls, they seldom give bags. they cook wad u want, then they juz place on a plate, and u take ur order frm the plate and juz eat there. they don give u bag to take away de. u can add wadever sauce u want, but the sauce are real spicy.

dim sum.. most famous in hk. we went to this dim sum restaurant recommended by a book. and yes.. it's not kidding.. it's filled with pple!!! but lucky for us, we only 2 pple, so can find seats relatively easier. the restuarant was fully packed lor.. and many standing ard waiting. we gottta share table with others. and in our table, there r 4 grps of pple sitting tog. and while eating, pple are standing waiting behind us. but somehow, the pple not paisay one lei. they juz sit there read newspaper, chat, and simply couldnt be bothered with the pple standing and waiting. so we also follow suit lor.. sit there chat and cannot be bothered also. act blurrr... they can wait all they mean hor?

we also went to this korean restaurant. wanted to eat steamboat de. but cannot find and it was raining. so we juz settled for this korean bbq restuarant. nver really tried korean bbq b4 unless u consider seoul garden. so although it was rather ex, it's still worth it lar. 1st time try ma. hehe.. and it was yummy lorr.. so nice.. but the irritating korean woman did not allow me to take pics. boo... but i still managed to take a few w/o she knowing!
v colorful hor?? yummy yummy.. but ex..
ok.. enuff abt food. gotta go send in applications to claim money frm government, rewrite a stronger resume, look out for jobs offers liao... next entry shall blog on the attractions!

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