Wednesday, May 30, 2007

StarTed... I GuEss...

so darn siann... my shoulder's aching.. and im v sleepy le.. rewrote my resume and sent out quite a few le. seriously, even b4 i get the outcomes, im already demoralised. don know why. somehow, the jobs out there are not suitable for me. most require experience. some requires only dip or lower educational level holders, not degree holders. haii.. i seriously think diploma holders are more welcomed by the employers than us. i don know when i can get employed and it sincerely did not help to know tt pple ard me are getting employed one by one. boo... this is really bad.. y cant i juz nua in my own little world???
tt day sis and ma juz told me tt they heard frm the news tt on average, ntu grads are receiving 2.7k. 2.7k ??! i neber even dare dream of it! if pple are receiving 2.7k, y should i settle for 1.8k?? but again.. who am i to vie with them? i got 1st class meh? i got 2nd-upper meh?? i know how to present myself well meh? haii.... tong2 ren2 bu4 tong2 ming4 ar....accept my fate ba..
or maybe i shld juz take part in star search this weekend and hopefully make my way into the showbiz. then become popular and money will jus come rolling. one advertisment and can have 5-digits?! ooo... y am i dreaming even b4 i fall asleep?? fa1 ming2 xing1 meng4..... cmi larr!!!!
pple already started working and earning money. yet im still blogging my life away. gosh... suddenly felt as if i had let my family down. NO!! i must stop being so demoralised and pessimistic! it's time to buck up!! jiayou huiping! u can do it and YOU WILL DO IT!!!

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