Tuesday, May 15, 2007

LeaVing YeT AgaiN

in another few hours time, im leaving for hongkong le. seriously now im not as enthu in goin to hk as i always am. i wonder why. i guess im too tired le. juz back frm taipei and in less than a week, travel to hk again. and im suffering frm sore throat and cough ever since im back frm taipei. juz went to see doc this morning. and i guess it's due to the cough syrup tt im now abit drowsy even though i took a nap juz now. and... to make it worse, im feeling a little feverish now. gosh.. wad am i doing? i really shouldn have planned the 2 trips so close to each other. shld have more time to rest in btw. i tot i could take it.. but now.. haii.. and i havent pack my luggage or plan the itinerary. the flight's at 6.40am.. gotta leave at abt 4am.. arghh...
and the 1000 notes. no banks wanna exchange small notes with us. the money changer say they don have small notes. but they told us tt only 1000 notes issued in year 2000-2002 are not being accepted. those issued on and after 2003 are usable. still feeling unsafe, we called up our hotel in hk and the person said tt it shld be ok to use the 1000 notes. ok.. i juz hope all will be well and safe. yeah. i'll try to enjoy myself! yes, i shall be enthu! I WILL ENJOY! cheers!
and i gonna miss next week's yoga also. 8 lessons and i missed 2 lessons. boo... waste money. talking abt yoga.. i think i really am not feeling well. couldnt perform the "acts" properly juz now. usu im ok de lei.but juz now doing those acts was really tough. im really worn out i guess. ok.. i know the place where we will be staying in hk has computer and internet access. hopefully i'll get to blog. back on the 25th may. till then, so long!

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