Wednesday, May 30, 2007
StarTed... I GuEss...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
MdM TusSauDs - The WaX MuSeuM
jay chou teaching me how to play piano???
brad pitt.. he got soo tall one meh?? doesnt look tall on tv leii....

the following pics were taken by the professional photographers. they take for u, then at the end, if u want the photos, u gotta pay. can make into keychains, cups also. quite ex de. in the end i only make keychains with the pic i took with andy. hubb made the one we took with jacky chan. can also get them to email us the pics they took for us. but one email abt sgd2. they sure know how to make money rite... email only leii....

and of cuz..... there is our beloved mr lee kuan yew..
and of cuz...................proudly presents... my idol ANDY LAU!! *** applause***
all the figures are modelled at a 1-1 scale. i realised they are soo tall. they dont look tall on tv though. hmm.. pple like brad pitt, joey yueng, miriam yang... how come don have sammi cheng? chow yun-fatt? jacky cheung????
ok.. enuff of wax figures.. now look @ some ming xings i bumped into! hehe ..
not bad huh.. still can bump into ming xings and take pics.. hehe.. still got one ming xing ah-pek.. but the pic in hubb's phone. wait till he send me then i upload. ming xings are ming xings.. really better looking than most common pple..
tt's andy's hand prints. hehe.. my hand and his hands side by side ne :)
@ avenue of stars
@ lan kwai fong
as a banking and finance student, how can i miss out on the finance centre??

i tot he looks a little like bush. haha..
alrite.. tt more or less round of my 10 days 9 nites in hongkong. i'll always love hk. the busy and bustling streets. the plenty of shops. the vibrant life. the cantonese. the sceneries... everything!!! i hope i do not have to wait too long before i revisit again!!!!
MoRe On HoNgKoNg

the one with 7-up is wad we ordered when we departed sg. the one with jus-tea is wad we ordered on the return flight. one meal like tt costs $11. $8 for the rice and $3 for the can drink. crazy rite?? provision shop sells 7-up for juz $0.50 lor. they profit 6 times leii.. best.. ok.. i shall stop being cheapo.
beautiful sunrise pic i took while on the plane. artistic??? this is taken @ the hongkong international airport. think their airport more or less the same as ours. world-class standard?? the one at taipei is old though. if im not wrong, hk airport and our changi airport is vying every yr for this "best airport" award. i don know if tt's the name, but there's an award for airports. and if im not wrong, hk 's airport came in 1st in the latest year. and we were like 4th?? cannot remember clearly ......

this is us with the very big buddha @ lantau island. last yr ma wanted to come here de.. but din have the time. now with the newly constructed cable car, it's easier to come to this place. the whole cable car journey takes 25 mins. can see the panoramic view of the whole hk airport. saw tt flight of stairs?? if wanna see the buddha upclose, then u gotta climb tt flight of stairs. hmm...
the airport. taken when we were on the cable car.
the magnificent buddha. taken upclose
these are movie tix frm hk. i tot it looks like our 4d and toto tix. haha..yep, we wanted to see how the cinemas are like. more or less the same as sing, but bigger and more spacious. ur legs wont be touching the seats in front of u. but the tic more ex than sing. hkd60 bucks. tt's abt sgd12. yep... watched 200 pounds beauty. sad for hubb though cux the show was dubbed in cantonese. we din knew tt. opps, or shld i say it's sad for me? cuz i gotta translate for him throughout the movie. ya.. it's sad for me, not for him! hmm.. not as funny as expected lei.. but towards the end, it's quite touching. so wad if u got wad u've always wanted?? at the end of it, u realised you had actually lost some of the most impt things u once possessed but did not realise the importance. the female lead got beauty and slimness at the end, but she lost her true self, her family, and her frens. i also worry tt will happen to me. wad if 1 day i managed to earn alot of money, fame, luxuries.... but juz to find tt i lost myself, my time, my space, my family, and my frens? how scary rite?? u tot u had achieved wad u had always wanted, but actually u had lost the most basic things in life. hmmm... chim le ba?? ok, i think too much le. don even have a job now still think so much.... (*&#@!#*@!#)((tt's taken at 长州. saw the tons of boats behind? it's an island and i think most islands, when compared to the main island, are more "ulu". but here quite a fun place lar. alot of souvenirs to buy.
some sign boards....
tt's the market. their markets sell living fishes, seafood and poultry de. hmm.. din really go in and "tour" cuz scare of the smell. hehe...polices at work! wanna take pics with the polices de.. but abit scare to ask and i think they'll reject me.. so forget it ba.
the busy streets of hongkong.....
the beautiful scenaries....
lastly... pics of me blogging anytime, anywhere!!!
too many things to blog. next entry continue again yo!