Saturday, December 30, 2023

回顾 and 展望

ahhhh, last 2nd day of the month!!!

time to quickly write my 回顾 and 展望!!! 

ok, 回顾....

1) started FULL TIME wio. omg. 千百万个不愿意, 但又奈何.

2) raythorous graduated from preschool liaoooo! woohooo!! milestone! 

3) travelled to BKK, batam, KL, HK, macau, JB

4) staycay at furama city centre and siloso beach resort 

5) hired a helper for the folks! prolly the best decision made for this year. haha 

6) tio covid the 2nd time

7) since full time back to office, surely more interactions with colleagues. and with that, more conflicts also....其实也真的是自找........ but.... ya, many things happened lor... prolly many lessons learnt too. 很难过过..... but i guess.... 经一事,长一智ba.... 

come 2024.......

1) raythorous will be starting primary school! woah! 

2) rayous will be starting english tuition! woah! yes, finally going to send him for some tuition!!! 

3) hope to be able to 真的学会看开点, 豁达点

4) shld be not much changes at work. with my new seat and new fengshui, hope things can really 顺风顺水...... 保佑保佑ahh.... 

5) no travel plan yet.... hopefully can explore somewhere that we had never been 

6) continue my gym routine.... with substantial results pls. lol

7) and simply, just be happy!! 

though really wont be easy la. with both boys in formal education, surely more stress than ever...... i really hope to be able to work out something that can balance work, housework, and homework. omgggggg. 

when did homework become part of my work too???!

ok la, chill pill ok. 

一步一步来, 明年会更好!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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